Healing That Hands You Back Your Power

Healing That Hands You Back Your Power

I use ancient and modern healing modalities to help women release their emotional pain.

Drawing on the disciplines of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), counselling, shamanic energy healing and neuro-linguistic programming, I clear the energy blockages that come from your inner child, and the pain she is in.

As a coach and a confidante, I help you rewire neural pathways, rewrite limiting beliefs and believe in new possibilities and a new way of being.

Let’s free you of the trauma that holds you back

so you can reclaim your power, and the rest of your life.

Why Conventional Therapy Isn’t Enough

In my own life, I was always searching for answers.

Going from a turbulent childhood to turbulent relationships, I struggled to make sense of what happened to me. I didn’t trust myself, so I looked everywhere else for something that would help.

I tried conventional talk therapy. But like so many women, the process frustrated me.

It was too slow. I struggled to find any relief from the constant stress and fear that plagued me. And worse still, I often found that talk therapy would actually trigger more anxiety.

It felt like I was talking my way around my trauma, constantly circling it, but never getting to the core. I would relive painful experiences, but never actually release them.

To be frank? It felt like placing a band-aid on a gaping wound, and then wondering why I didn’t feel different.

Conventional therapy has its place. But when used in isolation, it fails women because it’s so drawn out.

The women I work with don’t have time to wait. They feel like they are hanging on by a thread, and they need something to change.

When your emotions are literally making you sick..

When you’re scarily close to breakdown..

When your pain is relentless…

You need relief now.

EFT and healing gives you that relief. For many women, it can be the first time they’ve breathed easy in years.

You deserve to feel the same. And you don’t have to wait.

The Centre of Disease Control and Prevention states that 85% of diseases have an emotional element.

Contemporary medicine and psychology is catching up to what healers have always known.

Humans are holistic beings.

We have minds, bodies and souls. We experience physical sensations, thoughts and emotions.

Not only are these elements all equally important, but they are intimately connected.

When the body is diseased or in pain, we are used to deferring to the physical symptoms only. We don’t connect this discomfort with an emotional cause.

And the reverse is also true. So many of us are disembodied in our everyday lives.

We experience stress, panic, anxiety and fear…and we don’t consider the enormous strain this places on our physical health.

We don’t listen to our body’s warning signals – the thumping headache, persistent discomfort, a churning sensation in the gut.

But these symptoms often reveal what lies beyond the surface – profound emotional, mental and spiritual pain. And the root cause of this pain?


The only way we can heal is through releasing this trauma, and all the pain it causes us.

Releasing Our Trauma

Our traumas are buried deep, and so our healing techniques must be able to navigate these depths if we are to heal.

EFT and shamanic healing techniques make this possible, and tap into the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual dimensions of our pain.

Here’s why they work.


Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) counselling is an evidence-based – scientifically proven – powerful healing modality that neutralises traumatic memories by rewiring the neural pathways in our brain.

When we experience trauma, it’s held in the amygdala; the part of the brain that controls our memories and our emotional responses to them.

But what modern psychology has so often missed in this equation, is that our brains and bodies are intimately connected. We can use our bodies to ‘tap’ into the trauma that is buried deep below the surface.

By physically ‘tapping’ specific meridian points on the body, you can quite literally tap into emotions and memories. That’s because each meridian point is connected to particular emotional responses, as well our amygdala.

With this form of counselling, we stimulate these meridian points so we can open up the pathways that exist between our emotions and memories, and release any unresolved pain held there.

We cannot release what we cannot acknowledge and see. EFT has a way of ‘popping the cork’ so stored memories come to the surface for acknowledgment and release. 

Shamanic Healing

Shamanic energy healing is an ancient modality that can be used independently or integrated with EFT with powerful results.

Like EFT, energy healing is built on the premise that trauma isn’t just held in the brain. Shamans believe that trauma creates blockages in our energy and that these blockages affect not only the physical body, but our souls.

When we are infected by dark shadow energy, we experience immense pain and succumb to disease and discomfort that is physical, mental and spiritual all at once.

When in a shamanic state, a practitioner can ‘see’ this dark energy and extract it from us. Just as EFT locates traumatic memories through tapping into our emotions, shamanic healing accesses trauma and pain on an energetic level, be it from this life or another, be it ancestral or a psychic attack.

Both modalities are energy based which is what the world is – energy. 

Interested to learn more?

Find out about my 1:1 sessions here

Why Work With Me?

These modalities are incredibly healing, and EFT in particular is something you can practise on your own.

But in my experience, it’s so much more powerful when you are guided by a practitioner.

This is especially true when you’ve never tried it before.

Why? Because you won’t know where to start.

I hear this from many first-time clients and it’s easy to understand why.

When we’ve been living with our own pain for so long, we build up defences and stories that are designed to protect us.

This may help us get through the day, but it also makes it incredibly difficult to identify where our pain stems from. And if we can’t recognise its root cause, how can we possibly begin to release it?

This problem compounds when you’re dealing with extreme cases of trauma.

I’ve met many women who are living in a state of constant fear and anxiety, they can barely catch their breath. For these women, being self-aware and reflective isn’t just painful, it’s near impossible.

When we’re stuck in our own pain, we need someone who can ask us the right questions.

It’s only then that you can come up with your own answers.

That’s exactly what I do in our time together.

I gently guide you as we peel back layers of energy, emotion and memory, until we find the root cause of your pain.

This is all about making connections between how you feel today and what’s happened to you in the past. When you’ve experienced trauma, you are often unaware of these connections.

That’s not because you’re broken! That’s exactly what your brain and body does in order to survive.

But if we are to move out of survival mode and reclaim our power over the past, we have to make these connections. We have to recognise those experiences that have wired how we feel about the world.

It’s only then that we can rewire them in ways that affirm our worthiness and allow us to heal.

My Approach Is:


Trauma affects the mind, body and soul. This means we need healing techniques that are holistic.

Rather than focusing on surface-level symptoms, I treat the emotional, physical and spiritual dimensions of your pain.


Many women are scared of trying EFT or shamanic healing because they think it will feel like ripping off a bandaid that has been stretched across a gaping wound.

But my approach to healing is like peeling back an onion. Think of it this way. You’ve built up layers of experience, behaviours and beliefs over time. If we are going to get back to the root cause of your trauma, we have to peel back these layers one at a time and neutralise the pain as we go.

We will only move forward at the pace the slowest part of you is prepared to go. YOU are in control of your own healing.


Healing does not rely on one single-minded strategy or philosophy. Every client I see has had unique experiences that demand a unique approach.

That’s why I am constantly pursuing new learning and integrating both modern and ancient techniques into my work.

My sessions are predominantly either based around EFT or shamanic healing techniques. (You can read more about this here)

I also draw on diverse disciplines that include neuro-linguistic programming, life-coaching, reiki and matrix imprinting.

Ultimately, it comes down to using my experience and perception to understand what you need at your particular stage of the healing process.

I offer 1:1 healing sessions

Find out more here.

About Marie

There is nothing more powerful than a woman healing.

There is nothing more liberated than a woman who says ‘this pain ends with me.’

Read my full story here.


+61 (0) 4771 96691



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