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Using crystals to heal yourself

A wooden plate filled with crystals and herbs

It’s not just about carrying a crystal in your pocket….

My take on crystals

I’ve had a few experiences with crystals over the years that I would like to share with you.

The truth is, I can’t be certain if it was the power of my mind or if the crystal actually did help. But no matter what – the outcome was real.

Whether the crystals helped me tap into my intuition or my intuition was using the crystal as a guide? Again, I can’t be sure.

But the truth is, that I not only love the vibration they bring into my space and into me – they effect other people too. People that come into my home. Some that come over just because they say they feel instantly calm as soon as they walk through the door (and that is why they are essentially visiting). 😊

Crystals come from inside the earth which, to me, means that they also hold the essence and energy of the earth.

Crystals in a bowl next to a brown mug of tea
Connecting with Crystals

How it all started

A few years ago, I went on holiday to Morocco.

For six years before that trip, I don’t recall getting sick – like ever. And my husband was the same.

We put it down to the ‘mega juice’ he made for us every morning. It had, roughly, sixteen types of fruit and vegetables in it and five days a week, we would both down a glass of it.

Our immune systems appeared to be firing on all cylinders.

And then we went to Morocco for a week.

On the trip back, whilst sitting on the plane, I started to cough. It was one of those coughs that felt like it was sitting at the top of the lungs – like it was stuck in between your trachea (windpipe) and your actual lung.

Not painful – just more annoying than anything.


Three months later…

I was still coughing.

I’m not a huge fan of going to doctors or taking medication.

I do if it’s absolutely necessary of course, but I prefer to give my body the opportunity to heal itself, if that’s at all possible. Because illness to me is simply an imbalance in the body.

But my husband had become more and more concerned about my coughing fits as it was three months later, and the cough had persisted.

He carries extra concern for me, because a few years before all of this we discovered that I’m a carrier of the cystic fibrosis gene.

Despite the doctors saying that being a carrier is absolutely fine and I won’t show or have any symptoms at all, it doesn’t stop my husband worrying about me and my lungs, as they have, funnily enough, always been a slightly weak point within my body and within the female line of my family.


My husband begs me to go to the doctor just so that he can make sure everything is ok, and so I agree.

The doctor says to me that he can put me on some medications but at the end of the day they aren’t going to help. The cough just needs to run its course.


The rose quartz crystal

I’m a regular meditator and this one evening after work was no different.

As I’m heading into my meditation room, I walk through the door, and I suddenly ‘see’ the lump of rose quartz crystal that I own flash through my mind, along with a knowing sense – or maybe it was a message, I’m not 100% sure how to describe it, telling me to use this crystal to “heal the cough”.

I’ll point out here that rose quartz has never really been my ‘go to’ crystal. I’ve always been more of a Lapis Lazuli type of girl – but I followed what I felt I was being shown.

I picked up my chunk of rose quartz, laid down on the floor, and I put the crystal at the point of my chest where I felt the cough was sitting inside of me.

Then, for half an hour, I visualised rolling my cough into a ball and I pushed it out of my chest, whilst at the same time, I saw and allowed the crystal to pull that ‘ball’ out of me and take it into itself.

I simply focused on that and nothing else for that entire time.


A large crystal being held in someones handIt got worse!

After I’d finished my meditation-come-healing session, I went downstairs to be with my husband and my cough got really bad.

At some points I think my body actually convulsed because the cough was so intense.

Steven, my husband, was looking scared and asked if he should take me to the hospital. It was clearly a lot worse.

I seemed to intuitively know, however, that the cough was leaving my body and so I casually, through my coughing fit, said to him “It’s ok, this is just my cough coming out”.

About an hour later, we climbed into bed and I was still coughing up a storm. My lungs and throat were rattling by this stage, but I managed to go to sleep.


Cough – be gone

When I woke up that next morning, I waited for the coughing to start.


Could that be right?

I tried to force my cough.

(You know when you push all the air out of your lungs really hard, and it, more often than not, pulls on your lungs and makes you cough? Well I did that).


I inhaled as sharply and deeply as I could.


I even stuck my head out the window to breathe in the cold, fresh air from outside but still – nothing.

It was then I had that moment of understanding how not only my mind worked but also how to use crystals for healing.

Three months of having a consistent cough, gone, overnight. Literally.


“You could have done that with anything”.

This was said to me when I was telling a group of my work colleagues about what I had done to rid me of my cough. To be fair, it was in a corporate environment. I should have chosen my audience a bit better….

But, everyone was in shock except the person that said, “you could have used anything to do that”.

Were they right? Sure!

But I can’t say, personally, that I have enough faith to put a shoe or a saucepan on my chest to get the same result.

Crystals, to me, have always held a fascination and feel magical, sacred and even powerful in their own way. Shoes and saucepans – not so much.

A clear quartz crystal surrounded by other crystals
Magical, sacred and powerful in their own way…

Crystals in your pocket

I have done this for my entire life. Or at least up until the point where I fixed my cough.

I would buy or pick up a crystal that either spoke to me through it’s colour or through the properties that its advertised as having and

Crystals being held in a womans hand
Don’t just put a crystal in your pocket.

assume that if I simply just carry it around in my pocket or put it in my purse then it will bring me what I’m asking for or fix what it is I feel is broken.

In short, I expected the crystal to do all the work.

It’s not surprising that nothing ever worked or changed!

But when you actually engage the crystal…?

When you tap into the energy or the being that resides within that crystal and ask for it to assist or help you, that is where the magic can happen. And it’s not necessarily the ‘magic’ of the crystal per say, but it’s the asking and believing that this can make changes to yourself and your situation.

I have now used this technique on more than one occasion, and I can’t recall a single time that it has not worked.

Everything from ailments within the body to even attracting some money to come my way.


The crystal that smashed

If you’d like more proof of my experiences – although this one was more of a warning:

I was rather smitten with a guy and it was brought to my attention that you could charge a crystal with your intention.

So, I took a clear quartz crystal and charged it with the energy of having this person in my life. I charged it to bring me love.

Within about a week, maybe two, I watched as this crystal fell from around my neck and smashed in half.

As I saw it crack open on the floor (all in slow motion), I got this overwhelming sense that the relationship was doomed to fail and would go nowhere.

Now, did I listen or pay attention?

Of course I didn’t! (I’m still a human full of doubt just like the next person….)

But what do you know? The relationship ended very abruptly, and I was as good as ghosted.


Is this simply the placebo effect?

Yes – is the simple answer.

As there seems to be next to no scientific evidence (I checked!) that crystals hold a higher vibrational energy than a normal rock, I cannot 100% say that crystals are in fact “magical”. (If you happen to know of any studies though, please send them to me).

But does that even matter?

I was clearly shown and guided to pick up my chunk of rose quartz and to use that to heal my cough.

And to reiterate again – rose quartz has never even been my crystal of choice. I don’t even buy it. It’s given to me as gifts, so it’s more of a collection of rose quartz that I have acquired over the years.

But the fact is, that for me, it worked, and it continues to work.

When I engage with it, it very much appears and feels to me like it is engaging back.

In my previous blog about healing the earth (Link Here), I talked about the spirit of the plants and all things being alive and having a consciousness. In essences, everything is a living being. Rocks and crystals are simply ‘denser’ energetically, but that does not mean they are void of spirit.


“Your belief and your intent are everything”.


I went deeper into myself

Woman holding onto a glowing salt lamp crystal
Connect with your crystal

Throughout all of these experiences, whether they are caused or helped by the crystal, or if it was simply my mind doing all the work, the one thing I can take from it is that it has helped me create a deeper connection and understanding within myself.

It guided me into stillness so I was able to listen.

It gave me the ability to realise that I have a power to heal myself.

An understanding that when I’m in tune with myself, and when I listen and pay attention to what is being shown to me about myself – I have control over many, if not all, facets of myself.

At the end of the day, isn’t being closer to ourselves and connecting to ourselves what so many of us feel we are missing?

For a brief moment in time, I was able to say to myself “I did that! I healed myself”.

Because I don’t believe in coincidences. (And you’ll see that a lot throughout my blogs). I don’t. I ask, I believe and then, as long as I’m awake and aware – I receive.

So, if you have a crystal (or hundreds 😊) but you haven’t really engaged with them yet. Why not give it a go and see what happens?


Want to go deeper?

If you’d like to explore your own personal healing journey, and perhaps take your practices a bit deeper, I’d love to connect and meet you.

You can contact me here


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You can’t heal yourself with hate

Woman screaming

You can’t hate yourself back to health


Hating yourself doesn’t work

I know from my own personal experience as well as with clients I work with, that when you hate something or someone – it doesn’t accomplish anything.

That becomes even more obvious when you’re trying to heal deep emotional wounds.

Be it with physical, emotional or mental issues – you CANNOT hate yourself back into health and wellbeing.

I hate feeling out of control

I completely get that. There is nothing more frustrating than having the rug pulled out from underneath you when it comes to your body or your mind – or both!

Everything is going fine and on track one minute but the next it feels like you are falling apart.

We just want to go back to feeling normal again. Useful, strong, in control.

And we might even fight it at first. Push ourselves harder because we don’t want to be seen or feel like we are weak. We don’t want to think we’re being judged by others as not being able to cut it.

So we push on, loading up on medication if we can, to get through.

Right in that moment – we literally hate ourselves for being human. We hate ourselves for being weak and not able to cope.

We’re suddenly not good enough.

We start sending silent messages to our body: “how dare you let me down!”, “how could you do this to me?”, “why now?”.

I hate you for doing this to me”.

Push, push, push harder.

When things are spiralling out of control – push through it.

It’s the only way we seem to know how to deal with it all.

Negativity weakens your body.

Studies have consistently shown that negative emotions such as shame, which is the most damaging, followed by guilt, grief, fear, anxiety, craving, anger and hate, actually weaken your body. And what is worse, is that the chemical reaction that it causes within your body stays there for hours afterwards.

Your negative reactions, even if they feel brief to you, actually continue to cause harm within the body.

This link breaks it down a little bit more about how thoughts and emotions affect your health. Click here 

What if we simply stopped?

Woman standing amongst the flowers
What if we simply stopped?

Could the issues you are experiencing be trying to tell you something?

What if they are actually a blessing?

(did you want to stop reading when you read that last line?) 😊

That’s ok.

How could you possibly find a blessing in the fact that you’re in pain or that your body seems to be fighting itself? Fighting against you?

I’ve had many of those moments too. Moments where I was desperate and had to turn to medication in order to help calm myself down so I could sleep or breathe normally.

But once I came out the other side of it, I realised something.

In every single instance of my health failing and my body giving up – I realised that not only was I was ignoring all the signs and pushing my way through it all, but I was also hating myself for my weakness and the place that I was in.

My ‘blessing’ was this moment of clarity where I realised my body knew a lot more than I’d realised.

My body was desperately trying to tell me something and I was ignoring it.

It was telling me the truth.

See issues as a blessing – not a curse.

If you are experiencing pain, any sort of pain, in this moment right now, it’s important that you stop and listen.

Your pain is coming up and showing itself to you because it wants you to heal from it. It wants you to reconnect with yourself so you can know and understand yourself on a deeper, more intimate level.

You are being invited to dive into the core reason of this pain so you can let go of it.

Your body, your pain, no longer wants you to suffer.

When you are in pain, the reason it is a blessing, is because it has an ability to show you, directly, what you are holding onto.

You can hate it all you want. You can despise what you feel it is doing to you – but that will just add to the emotional and physical pain you are already in.

But when you tune into it. When you talk to that part of yourself and thank it for showing you that something isn’t right, you instantly start the healing process.

In many cases I have seen people, once they’ve built up the relationship with their body, simply focus on the pain – and I mean really focus in on what it feels like, what it might look like and even ask “what is this trying to tell me/what emotion is stuck in here?”, and the pain fades away.

When we hate something, we get caught up in the justification of feeling that way. We believe we have a right to feel that way because, lets face it, it’s ruining everything! Right? It’s getting in the way!


Positive emotions strengthen your body.

And even if the science wasn’t around to prove it, you’d only need to feel into what it’s like when you’re happy and laughing.

It feels good right? Feels like if everyone laughed a bit more the world wouldn’t be so serious, and it would be a better place.

Woman in red top smiling
Laughing and positivity is good for you.

The people who I’ve had around me and that I’ve lost through disease and illness, as well as the clients that came to me for a time but

then left because they felt it hadn’t worked for them, all had one thing in common.

There was anger and hatred about what their life was or had become.

They hated where they had come from and what had happened to them.

They hated what they now had to deal with and overcome.

It felt like another blow, like life was plotting against them.

The struggle to find any form of happiness or love in the situations around them kept them from healing.

The one thing I felt that they were all missing was that connection to themselves.

Their ailment was seen as a curse or punishment. They couldn’t see it as an incredible journey of the body, mind, spirit and soul to reconnect and find each other. The ability to deep dive and heal and learn from it wasn’t done.

They ran from it.

When you hate something, you’re essentially running from it. When you’re accepting of it, you’re able to look at it with some objectivity, maybe even eventually some compassion. THAT is how you truly heal.

At its essence – it’s love.

“Positive people also have negative thoughts; they just don’t let those thoughts take over and destroy them”

Love heals

It’s likely that you’ve heard this before: Love heals.

To add onto that: kindness, compassion, forgiveness and understanding – heal.

They all come under the banner of love, but I find it’s worth pointing out.

In order to heal, who do you need to forgive? Who are you angry at?

Who do you need to show kindness to? Is it simply you?

If you are in pain and you want to truly heal then you may have to dive into the rabbit hole of where it comes from.

Your body will direct you if you follow it.

And if, along the way, you’re scared, unsure, or don’t know what to do, then please check out my previous blogs about EFT and how to dive deeper into it.

Check them out here

Sometimes it’s the simple things that can make the biggest difference.

Like planting a garden

I mentioned this in my last blog about healing yourself and healing the world.

An experiment has been done time and time again with your common, every day, household plant.

One plant is hurled with abusive, nasty comments. (Words of hate!)

And the other one is talked to with love and compassion.

The one that is treated with hatred has stunted growth, turns brown and withers – and will eventually die.

But the plant that is treated with kindness, flourishes.

You are no different!

If you hate yourself for all that you are and have become, then you will forever struggle to heal.

However, if you can LOVE yourself for everything that you are right in this moment. Love yourself for everything that you’ve survived through and have endured – and you’re STILL moving forward. If you are a good person who cares, and who is kind and considerate, who can appreciate themselves for doing the best they can with what they’ve got and have been given, THEN you have the ability to heal yourself.

It starts with gratitude and it starts in your heart. Feel it in your heart and let that spread into your mind and your body.

Lady holding a seedling in hands
When treated with love, a plant flourishes.

Things you can do to help you love and reconnect to yourself:

The list here is really, endless. The best way to think about this is what makes you happy? What things do you like to do that make you happy and bring a feeling of contentment or satisfaction into your life? What things did you love to do as a child?

I’ve listed a few here that I do regularly as well as some I found on the internet just to get you started.

If you have no idea about what makes you happy then use this as a way to find out. Look at this with a sense of exploration. It’ll be a loving journey back to yourself.

  • Meditation
  • Get in touch with nature
  • Quiet/contemplative time
  • Writing
  • Exercising/going for a walk
  • Reading
  • Gardening
  • Painting/drawing
  • Anything creative!
  • Watch a funny movie
  • Coffee with friends that make you laugh

I find anything that brings me to a state of peace helps me to connect to myself on a deeper more intimate level.

Be careful how you talk to yourself

It’s time to look at the language you use around your issues. Are you thanking it for letting know you know something is wrong or are you hating what you feel it’s doing to you?

If you are angry or hateful towards yourself, and it’s not working – why not try a different way?


Because it’s love that’ll heal you.


Need help deep diving into your pain?

Would you like to move past the hate and into a place of love and acceptance?

I’d love to connect.

Contact me

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Heal yourself – heal the planet.

Smoke coming out of volcano

Does healing yourself have a knock on effect in healing the earth?


When you heal, it goes deeper than you 

18 months ago, I began studying soul rescue and using shamanic techniques to help heal and remove energetic blocks within people.

It’s been an eye-opening experience.

But during the short time of doing this work, something strange happened. And not just to my clients but also my garden…

It seemed that my plants were reacting to the shifting of negative, stagnant energy that was removed from my clients. It was like they were either feeding off it (using it as energetic fertilizer) or they were letting go of energy that was stuck within the earth.

This started me thinking: does the earth also heal energetically when we work on healing ourselves?


Giving an offering of thanks

Through the journey of learning to heal and connect energetically, one of the things we do is to give an offering to the earth and to the beings that reside within nature. The beings of the land that we can’t necessarily see but that can make themselves known if they feel safe enough.

Aboriginals call them our ancestral spirits, Native American Indians simply call them ‘the spirits’, and in the western world we might call them elementals.

I had a client coming for an EFT/energy healing session and so I connected to my guides and guardians as I always do. I asked for assistance to be guided to see the energy blocks within her body and help to remove those blocks so that she could find some peace within herself as well as offer any useful information or insights into herself.

Ring of mushrooms in the grass
The mushroom ring, aka Fairy ring, that grew in my backyard.

As I was tuning in and standing out in the garden connecting to the earth, I also asked the earth for help. (For the first 40 years of my life I’d always connected ‘upwards’, as in, to the Universe).

When the healing session was over, I went outside to my garden and I gave an offering of some food to thank everyone and anyone that had helped with the healing of my client.

That was my first ever offering to the land on which I worked and connected with – and something very cool happened.

That week. And I mean THAT week of making the offering – a mushroom ring appeared in my back yard. (Mushrooms rings are also known as fairy rings in the ancient world).

Here is a link if you’re interested to know more:

Mushroom ring

This had never happened before

I had lived in this house for more than a year and nothing like this had ever appeared before.

Being someone studying shamanism and energy work, we do have a tendency to look deeper into things and to ask questions – especially when things seem like they are coincidences. (Not that I’m actually a big believer in coincidences at all).

Could my garden be talking to me?

My husband said it was nitrates in the soil – which yes, I get. Scientifically it can be explained. But I just found it strange that it happened the week I connected in and then said thanks.

That wasn’t the only thing that happened though.

My plants reaction

There were three specific incidences outside of the mushroom/fairy ring that caused me to believe that plants have an energy and maybe even an understanding, if you will.

After the fairy ring, the lemons on the lemon tree started to turn yellow – getting ready to be picked.

No one, including me or my husband, could believe the size of the lemons coming off our tree.

The shops were selling ‘lemon sized’ lemons. We had grapefruit sized lemons!

People were asking what we used to get them so big but all we had used was water. Well – water and energy.

I had meditated and connected with my lemon tree many times.

I felt that there was a being, or elemental/spirit, within that tree as it had appeared to me during a meditation along with many other times when I was ‘open’ energetically.

So, I would talk to him and I would ask for his help during healing sessions with clients – should he wish to participate.

The next thing I know, the lemons are huge and so incredibly juicy.

This was again a first time.

The person that had lived at the property for the 15 years before us had never seen a lemon so big come off the tree.

But that was, again, not the only thing that happened in my garden.


Blue roseThe rose bushes

I have to be honest, out of all the flowers, roses were never my thing.

I think because they’re too common.

Strange things to say, I know, but I had a tendency to buck any trends or things that people do all the time. So giving roses or diamonds – I was always very much against those things. If everyone else loves it – I tend to go the other way.

Or at least, I used to.

One day, I am again out in my garden connecting to the earth in order to do a healing session with a client. As I’m linking in, it’s the six rose bushes that seem to want to work with this client.

The energy that came out of those bushes, strangely, felt like six wise ladies. All of them of various age but it felt like six wise ladies, nonetheless.

I accepted their energy and went to work with my client.

This happened a few times with these plants and the spirits within the plants.

My husband and I had recently deadheaded the roses, so we were waiting on the next bloom to appear.

Well. Incredibly – the roses that bloomed next were HUGE!

And not just on the one bush. All six plants had an abundance of some of the biggest roses I had ever seen.

We again had people coming to the house, and I wasn’t even pointing them out, but everyone would say “Oh my god your roses are so big, how did you do that?”.

And it was the same answer as the lemon tree: water and energy.

I simply told people that I meditated with them, talked to them, and even gave them back the stagnant energy that I had pulled out from my clients for them to use as fertilizer.

I’m going to reiterate – I don’t believe in coincidences.


The rose bush that fought back!

The third incident wasn’t as pleasant.

It was another occasion of deadheading the roses but this time it was a bit more of a serious chop, as it was coming into winter. Time to prune everything back.

We’d finished with the roses and we were surrounded by all the cuttings that were on the grass.

I could of picked them up but I decided, as I still had to cut the grass, that I would just run the lawnmower over the rose bush cuttings so that they would go into our compost and break down a little easier.

So I grabbed the lawnmower and began to push it over the rose cuttings. There wasn’t much ‘thinking’ going on except how much easier this was than picking them up. I was going to be done within seconds!

Well – I was ‘painfully’ reminded by one of the rose bushes that I was being very disrespectful. And I say that because the second it happened it flashed through my mind as if someone was telling me off, waving a finger in front of my face.

Somehow, and I still don’t know how as there was plenty of space between me and the rose bush, a branch seemed to reach out and snag the back of my arm. I had already passed the bush. Logic would say that it would snag you on the front of your arm as you walked past it. But not this one. It caught me on the back of my arm and gave me two almighty scratches.

As I’ve mentioned, I felt like I was being told off for being disrespectful…

I guess I was.


Dark Energy

What is the dark, stagnant energy I feed my plants?

We generally all have ‘dark’ or stagnant energy within us.

Don’t let that freak you out though.

‘Dark energy’ is simply a buildup of energy that is causing blockages within the body.

Similarly to the EFT I do with people – the energy (emotions) of the past get stuck within the body. You are able to heal this.

Dark energy is exactly the same thing, but in some cases, it can be caused by things not of this lifetime.

We don’t reincarnate with clean slates. That is technically what karma could be described as on a basic level. It’s balancing the wheel of energy. Its very rare for someone to be born with a clean slate, not having done something to someone in a previous incarnation and then in this life having to find a way to balance that out.

When we get caught up in loops that we can’t seem to break or we can’t break free of feeling a certain way, and you’ve tried everything. Maybe look at what is deeper inside, or find someone that can do it for you.

If nothing else makes sense, try looking at your energy blocks.


Do plants have spirits?

Plants growing on moss
Do plants have spirits?

I can’t help but say yes – I believe they do.

My own personal experiences tell me that they do.

If everything is made up of energy, which science has proven, who is to say that plants don’t also have a level of consciousness that we don’t yet understand?

Many cultures in history, and even some of them today, still believe and honour the earth as our mother.

We have forgotten that connection in order to get ahead and keep up with our fellow man.

Not to mention, you may have seen the experiments done in schools and laboratories where two plants are sat side by side. One plant is showered with compliments and loving, positive thoughts, whilst the other one is spoken to with mean, nasty, bullying comments.

The plants react.

You can see it happening. The plant showered with love and kindness grows whilst the other plant that has been treated badly slowly turns brown, withers, and will probably die.


Do we help the earth when we heal ourselves?

I have to say that yes, I believe we do.

Our energy is absorbed into the things we do and people we connect with. You only have to walk into a room where someone who is angry, upset or uncomfortable to know that you can feel it even when nothing has been said to you.

The earth has taken on our energy as well.

With every step you take, you are essentially connecting your energy into the earth.


“When we walk like we are rushing, we print anxiety and sorrow on the earth.

We have to walk in a way that we only print peace and serenity on the earth.

Be aware of the contact between your feet and the earth.

Walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet”.

Thich Nhat Hanh


How can you use this?

I am a strong believer and advocate for us all to reconnect with nature. My clients have all generally heard me say it to them time and time again.

Your feet on the earth is grounding and incredibly calming IF you stop and connect to it. It can help heal you.

You can ask the earth for help in pulling the negative energy out of you and transmuting it into energy that the earth can use as ‘fertiliser’. The key here, however, is to ask. You can’t force it or demand it – you have to ask and then allow.

Many of my clients suffer with traumatic pasts and all of them use the earth to help them connect to that feeling of solidity and peace. There is a safety within the heart of nature. And five minutes a day is all you’ll need if you’re short on time.

Put your bare feet on the earth and simply breathe.

woman looking up at the trees
Place your feet on the earth and breathe.


Like to know more?

Interested in exploring this further? I’d love to connect and go on this journey with you.

Contact me here